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FREE TRIAL - Pimloc Video privacy and analytics platform

Pimloc's deep learning platform, Secure Redact, enables public and private organisations to protect personal data in video at scale.

Being of a curious nature, I recently visited the Pimloc website after they contacted us about joining the CCTV User Group.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Pimloc was offering a free trial of their cloud based video redaction application. So of course, I signed up to test it out.

I first downloaded a short piece of 1080p mp4 stock video from the internet as my source for uploading. After signing up, my new video sample was ingested into their platform without any fuss. I then selected what type of redaction & audio settings I wanted it to apply. After a short while, less than a minute, it advised me that my redacted video was ready to download.

Below you can see the original video source and below that, the redacted output video.

Original video - 4.7Mb

Pimloc redacted video - 6.2Mb

I don't have a CCTV type complex scene example video to upload, I'd be interested to hear the view of anyone who does try this out using 'real life' CCTV video.


Should you require more than 20 minutes per month, there are a range of pricing options depending on how much video you need to redact. Even with the free account, you can upgrade it if you have a large amount of video to redact.

Their current 'free' account allows you to redact up to 20 minutes per month, it states it's 'free forever' and even if you go over this limit, you can add minutes at a cost of £6.50 per minute, which is pretty amazing. The trial above used only 7 seconds of my free 20 minute monthly allowance.

I have to say that this is a very nice platform. It's easy to use, it can also redact audio from an uploaded video and, who doesn't like a free trial to test whether a product delivers as promised?

We receive questions from our members reasonably frequently about CCTV video redaction and, following this short, rather un-scientific test, we will certainly be recommending Pimloc as an option for our members in the future.

Thumbs up to Pimloc and thanks for the free trial.

Note: Other providers also offer free video redaction software & services.

This content was not sponsored or paid for, by Pimloc.

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