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CPNI Control Rooms Guidance

Helping you get the most out of your control room

We have a had an enquiry from a Local Authority who are planning a new Town Hall building, and there is some discussion regarding the most appropriate location for the Council’s security control room within the building (the new control room will incorporate the Town Centre CCTV monitoring function).

There is a school of thought that wishes to place this facility in the basement of the building and another which suggests that it would be better placed on the upper floors.

It is an inner London Authority so can get quite busy as it also acts as the civil contingency control room for the area as well.

Seeking guidance for this Member, we asked the CPNI for any published guidance materials asking the question 'has CPNI done any work in regard to Control Centre design and is there any guidance which might point to the most appropriate location within such a building?'

Very kindly, CPNI responded with this guidance so we thought to share it with all of our Members.

It is available to download directly from our Members File Share area here or directly from CPNI, here

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