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NaCTSO Competent Persons Scheme: Update

Update from the NaCTSO Competent Persons Scheme. Survey results and next steps including the release of a PIN.

The Competent Persons Scheme Team has been making good progress since our survey closed at the end of summer. So, firstly, to those who took the time to complete it: Thank You.

Your contributions are helping us to define and refine the direction we will be taking and has demonstrated how much market demand there is for the scheme. The survey looked at a number of factors and sought to identify what we could do to meet the needs and wants of the public, particularly those working in security with a need to consider counter-terrorism protective measures. It also demonstrated the depth and variety of companies and industries who are engaged with their need to ensure that they are capable of delivering appropriate preparedness in the counter-terrorism threat landscape.

There has been a lot of interest in the results of the survey, and some of you may have heard the headliners at events attended by NaCTSO. The most notable is that 92% of respondents would like a CT-specific course to be developed, with 85% expressing that any course would be considered trustworthy if created by NaCTSO and our counter-terrorism policing partners. To meet this we are exploring the development of a Competent Person in the Workplace (CPIW) qualification. There is also broad agreement that a register of NaCTSO-recognised consultants should be established to complement any qualification.

Following discussions with the Homeland Security Group (HSG), we are now exploring what a course could look like with potential delivery partners. This is to establish the viability of delivering a training course, not the actual design and implementation of a course. We will be reporting back to the HSG with our findings once this is completed. Our discussions with potential delivery partners are to explore the creation of an Ofqual-accredited course. As such, it would carry the additional benefits conferred as an internationally recognised standard. We want to establish the scope and detail of an appropriately and proportionally structured qualification, to help to professionalise the protection of Publicly Accessible Locations.

Using the information you gave us in the survey, and during engagement in conjunction with other research, we are starting to put together a holistic scheme that seeks to meet the needs and concerns of businesses. This scheme will provide an authoritative voice from NaCTSO and our government partners on the most relevant counter terrorism threats and best practice to mitigate them.

We have published a PIN on the Government’s ‘Contracts Finder’ website to start the process of identifying suitable training partners who could deliver a CPIW qualification. As both the CPIW and the Competent Consultants schemes continue to evolve, we will keep you updated as to our progress and delivery pathways.

Thank you for your ongoing engagement with us. We look forward to continuing to update you whilst we carry on with the development of the Competent Persons Scheme.

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Copyright: ProtectUK

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