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Event: Tackling Serious and Organised Crime:Reducing the Risk, Threat and Harm

According to Home Office estimates, Serious and Organised Crime (SOC) costs the UK more than £24 billion per year and includes drug trafficking, human trafficking, organised illegal immigration, high value crimes, organised acquisitive crime and cybercrime.

In its fourth annual public analysis of the nature and scale of serious and organised crime affecting the UK (June 2017), the National Crime Agency (NCA) introduced for the first time a new, broad categorisation for these threats:

  • Vulnerability: including child sexual exploitation and abuse, modern slavery and human trafficking, and organised immigration crime

  • Prosperity: including cyber crime, money laundering and other economic crime

  • Commodity: including the illicit trade in firearms and drugs

Date:Wednesday 20th June 2018

Time:10:15am — 4:30pm

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